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UVM Hillel Student Leadership 2022-2023

Applications to join Hillel’s leadership team for 2022-2023 are open! We’ve listened to hundreds of UVM students and redesigned what leadership looks like at Hillel for you!


What is important to know before you continue reading this is:

  • If you want to get more involved with Hillel and Jewish life at UVM

  • if you want to plan and execute something you are passionate about,

  • if you want to be a leader at Hillel,

And so many other reasons….


The Hillel Student Leadership Team is for you! We have a position and opportunity for everyone.


We have combined all of our leadership opportunities into one place to make things easier. We have TEN (minyan) different tracks you can choose from. If one of those still doesn’t spark your interest, we will discover the right idea with you.


Each track will work with a Hillel staff member and will have 1-2 students serve as track chairs.

More information on track chair information and the $500 stipend can be found here.


What do you get from being on Hillel’s Leadership Team?

  • Work closely with a staff member and other student leaders to help make your ideas a reality.

  • Exclusive leadership teams gatherings once a month.

    • These will be social, personal, and professional development opportunities planned by the President and Treasurer.

  • Funding from UVM Hillel to make your ideas come to life.

  • All track positions are eligible for academic internship credit.

  • Track chairs are eligible for financial compensation (unless noted above differently)

  • All track positions are eligible for free swag, coffee/tea, and other perks throughout the year.


Leadership Tracks


  • Bamidbar Outdoor Explorers

    • Love the outdoors? Want to help plan hikes, ski trips, climbing trips, and other creative outdoor adventures through a Jewish lens. This is the track for you. 

    • 1-2 student leader(s) will serve as the Bamidbar Outdoor Explorers Chair(s) and oversee the Outdoors track with a staff member. Track positions are filled for Spring 2023


  • Birthright - Not open for Spring 2023

    • Are you an alum of Birthright or going on this upcoming trip? Join the Birthright track to take students interested in Birthright for a discovery conversation and plan recruitment events.

    • Have you already gone on Birthright before, join this track and be in charge of planning reunion events for your bus.

    • This track will only have three interns, and interns will receive a $500 stipend. These positions will require an interview component.


  • Community Building - Not open for Spring 2023

    • Option 1: Is there a specific community you want to work with on campus? For example, the Interfaith community, your major community, Student Government, etc., this is the track for you

    • Option 2: Love to talk and meet new students? Want to connect with other Jewish students on campus and help connect them to the right opportunity to be involved with Jewish life on campus? This is the track for you! We will provide you with the resources and learning opportunities to meet and get to know other students.


  • Hillel Fresh

    • Hillel Fresh is a group of students that brings Shabbat to students’ apartments through locally sourced food, easy-to-follow recipes, and interactive packets filled with games and Shabbat rituals. Learn more about Hillel Fresh here.

    • You do not need to apply if you are currently on the Hillel Fresh team!


  • Israel

    • Do you have a passion for Israel and an openness to learn? Join this track to help create different ways to engage and learn about Israel through hands-on, interactive activities.

    • 1-2 student leader(s) will serve as the Israel Chair(s) and oversee the Israel track with a staff member.


  • Shabbat

    • Shabbat track includes anything from leading Shabbat services to cooking Shabbat dinner at Hillel!

      • You will not be responsible for every Shabbat at UVM Hillel. You could be responsible for planning with other students anywhere from 1 to 3 Shabbats a semester.

      • Whether you want to plan one Shabbat out of the year, want to lead services once a month, or want to help cook throughout the year - this is the track for you!

      • Never led services before and want to? Awesome! Join this track, and we will teach you how!

    • 1-2 student leader(s) will serve as the Shabbat Chair(s) and oversee the Shabbat track with a staff member. Track positions are filled for Spring 2023


  • Social Justice (social action, community service, civic engagement, etc.) - Not open for Spring 2023

    • Are you passionate about making the world a better place? Want to be more involved in the greater Burlington and UVM community? This is the track for you to make a difference with your Jewish values.

    • 1-2 student leader(s) will serve as the Social Justice Chair(s) and oversee the Social Justice track with a staff member.


  • Business Operations - Not open for Spring 2023

    • Be a part of creating the Hillel magic!

      • Make challah in the kitchen for weekly Shabbat dinners.

      • Welcome and greet students into Hillel.

      • Learn the ins and outs of how an organization operates.

      • Every day will look a little different!

    • This track is an hourly position, and students eligible for work-study may apply for this position. This track will consist of at least 1-3 students. More information on these positions can be found here. These positions will require an interview component.


  • Social Media/Marketing

    • Help bring everything we are doing at Hillel to life visually! Make TikTok videos, run our Instagram account, take photos of events, create graphics and other promotional material, etc. 

    • This track is an hourly position, and students eligible for work-study may apply for this position. This track will consist of at least three students. More information on these positions can be found here. These positions will require an interview component. For example, positions could include

      • Social Media Strategist

      • Graphic Design Intern

      • Social Media Intern

      • Photographer

    • Want to make tik tok videos from time to time when you come across an awesome trend? Want to take photos at an event you are already attending? Let’s talk! There is a spot for everyone on our social media/marketing track!


  • Jewish Council of Sorority Women

    • Involved in a registered sorority on campus? Looking for a Jewish affinity space and community within the FSL community - Join the Jewish Council of Sorority Women. They will be putting on affinity events as well as events open to the entire FSL community 

      • Some events they are planning for this semester are Galentine cookie making, FSL Shabbat, JCSW Shabbat, events during Passover, Challah bakes, and so much more!


  • Jewish Arts Initiative 

    • Do you have a major/minor in arts? Love doing arts and crafts in any and all forms in your free time? As a way to de-stress? Love Jewish art? Help create opportunities to combine your love of art and Jewish identity in this track!


  • Anti-Antisemitism

    • Do you want to fight against antisemitism and advocate for Jewish students at UVM as a group of students who care about this issue?

    • Would you like to engage with high-level UVM administration in dialogue about how to better support Jewish students?

    • Do you want to help plan MAJOR programs with MAJOR speakers that reach a wide audience to help educate, engage, and inform?

    • Past activities have included

      • Elisha Weisel & Henia Lewin, Antisemitism Then and Now: Stories of Survival and Ways to Thrive, 300 people in the Davis Center

      • Speaking out and speaking up at the Burlington City Council meeting on the BDS resolution

      • Meeting with the President, Provost, Head of Institutional Research and Vice-Provost for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

      • Developed statistical reports to enhance the Campus Climate Survey and better represent Jewish students' experiences.

      • Created stickers and t-shirts; “Antisemitism Sucks, Jewish Food is Awesome” to help show Jewish pride on campus.

      • Brought TikTok and Instagram star, Eitan Levine to perform in front of 100 students at Brennan’s.


  • D-I-Y (Have an idea that doesn’t fit above?) 

    • Don’t connect with any of the above tracks? Love cooking? Want to plan a networking night? Want to plan a trip downtown to get creemees? Want to see more wellness initiatives at Hillel? Want to do something not listed above at all? Hillel is here to make your idea happen. Sign-up and let us know your idea! We will connect you with another student or staff member to make your idea happen!

    • Some past DIY ideas students created

      • The Great Jewish Bake Off

      • Queer Jewish Book Club

      • Jewish Council of Sorority Women

      • Jewish Arts Initiative

    • Let’s add your idea to this list!

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